Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. - Psalm 119:105


Leading your heart-not letting your heart lead you!

The world tells us that to be in love and have that perfect marriage; we have to follow our heart. Is this true? Does this work? Is it biblical? Are we to really follow our heart? Does what the heart wants really what is best? Is there something we can do...
Mark the grand characteristic of true prayer¾"In the Holy Spirit" (Jude 20). The seed of acceptable devotion must come from Heaven's storehouse. Only the prayer which comes from God can go to God. We must shoot the Lord's arrows back to Him. That desire which He writes upon our hearts will move His heart and bring down a blessing, but the desires of the flesh have no power with Him.
It is said that the weekly prayer meeting is the spiritual barometer for any local church. You can tell with a fair degree of accuracy what the church is like by the demeanour or substance of the weekly prayer meeting. Is there genuine evangelistic concern? If so it will be expressed in the prayers. Is there a heartfelt longing for the conversion of unconverted family members? If so that is sure to...
Prayer is a sincere, sensible, affectionate pouring out of the heart or soul to God, through Christ, in the strength and assistance of the Holy Spirit, for such things as God has promised, or according to his Word, for the good of the church, with submission in faith to the will of God.
We are going before the presence of God, and must do so with glad hearts and a wiliness to be together in unity and love.
These are tumultuous times, and our nation and the world desperately need prayer. This prayer guide is only a suggestion to help guide you as you pray. No matter how you chose to pray, please keep in mind that these desperate times require desperate, heartfelt prayers, which are passionately cried out to the Lord.
Prayer Part II Matthew 6: 5-15; 7: 7-12

How can I pray? What if I have never been taught how to personally pray or to talk to God? What if I grew up in a church that never had conversational or personal prayer? What if I only know liturgy? What if I offend God? If you think that you do not know how to pray, you need to ask yourself, do I know how to talk and listen? If you know how to talk to another person, then you know how to pray! Prayer is basically our communication with the Great Sovereign God of the Universe who wants the best for us and to hear from us!
Be saved and then repent!

"Repent and be saved!" This is a phrase we hear so often, but, have you considered its origins? Is this in the Bible? Surprise…NO, it is not! We may say it with genuine good intentions as both ends of this phrase are very Biblical and essential. We need to repent, and we need to be saved. But, this phrase is actually backwards! It should read, "Be saved and then repent!"
God calls us to proclaim what we have seen and heard!

When someone asks you to make a profession of faith or give a testimony, does your blood pressure go up? Do you dread it, and begin to sweat, perhaps even panic? Can you think of all kinds of reasons why you should not profess your faith, such as you do not know enough, you are not ready, or that this is not your gift? I know I have in the past. I have a natural fear of public speaking, which you may think is weird for a pastor, but many of us do.
Faithful to my Lord's commands, I still would chose the better part; Serve with careful Martha's hands And loving Mary's heart...

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